Usagi Tsukino, more widely recognized as Sailor Moon, is the main protagonist of the "Sailor Moon" series created by Naoko Takeuchi. A seemingly ordinary 14-year-old schoolgirl with a penchant for clumsiness and daydreaming, Usagi's life takes a turn when she encounters a talking cat named Luna. Luna reveals that Usagi is the reincarnation of an ancient lunar princess and grants her the power to transform into Sailor Moon, the champion of love and justice. Tasked with protecting Earth from dark forces, Usagi assembles a team of fellow Sailor Guardians. Throughout the series, she matures from a crybaby into a determined and compassionate leader. Apart from her heroic duties, Usagi's story also delves into her relationships, notably her romantic connection with Mamoru Chiba, and her enduring friendships with other Sailor Guardians.
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