Ryomen Sukuna, often simply referred to as "Sukuna," is a malevolent Cursed Spirit and a central antagonist in the anime and manga series "Jujutsu Kaisen." Originally a legendary human sorcerer from ancient times, Sukuna became an incredibly powerful Cursed Spirit after his death due to the immense malevolence he carried. He is known for having two faces and four arms, which is a reflection of his immense power and dual nature. After his death, his body was dismembered, with his 20 fingers serving as cursed objects scattered throughout the world. Consuming these fingers bestows incredible power but also risks being possessed by Sukuna. The story sees Yuji Itadori inadvertently consuming one of these fingers, making him the host for Sukuna and drawing him into the world of Jujutsu Sorcerers and their battle against Cursed Spirits. Sukuna's cunning, ruthlessness, and overwhelming strength make him a formidable and dangerous entity within the series.
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