Cloud Strife, the protagonist of Squaresoft's Final Fantasy VII, is a silent and solitary EX SOLDIER. A native of the humble village of Nibelheim, Cloud was often an outcast among his peers, leaving him without many friends. But one person, a special girl named Tifa Lockhart, Cloud had a desire to be close to. When Tifa suggested scaling Mt. Nibel to find her mom's spirit, Cloud decided to follow her and her friends. Unfortunate circumstances lead to the bridge the group was crossing to give way, with only Cloud and Tifa left behind; the latter's father later blames him for the accident. As a result of this misfortune, Cloud began to see himself as weak and decided to join Shinra's elite SOLDIER forces to become as strong as its greatest member, Sephiroth, and protect Tifa. Traveling to Midgar, Cloud enrolled but quickly failed out, ending up as a Shinra foot soldier instead.
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