Mikasa Ackerman is a central character in Hajime Isayama's manga and anime series, "Attack on Titan." As the adoptive sister of Eren Yeager, Mikasa shares a deep bond with him stemming from a traumatic childhood event that led to Eren saving her life. This event solidified her fierce determination to protect him at all costs. Mikasa is of partial Asian heritage, a rarity in the series' setting, and is distinguished by a scar on her cheek.
In the Survey Corps, she is renowned for her exceptional combat abilities and is considered one of the strongest soldiers, rivaling even the likes of Levi Ackerman. Mikasa's combat prowess is a combination of her Ackerman lineage, which grants her augmented physical abilities, and her intensive training. She is level-headed, pragmatic, and often acts as the voice of reason among her peers. Despite her stoic and reserved exterior, Mikasa's loyalty to her loved ones, especially Eren and Armin, is unwavering and deeply emotional. Her journey throughout the series sees her grappling with her identity, the nature of freedom, and the complexities of human relationships in a world under constant threat.
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